Hamstrings Exercises

hamstrings exercise

The hamstring muscles are one of the largest muscles in the human body and are comprised of three separate muscles. The hamstrings allow the hips to extend when the trunk is stationary and also flex the knee and rotate the lower leg when the knee is bent.

The hamstrings also perform a vital role in many daily activities like walking, running, and jumping. It is important to maintain the strength and flexibility in the hamstrings as injuries can occur when they are tight.

There are a variety of different hamstrings exercises that can be performed. Below, we have divided the hamstring exercises by exercise type for ease in browsing. Once you have chosen the hamstring exercise type to perform you can then view all of the hamstring exercises under that exercise type.

Each specific hamstring exercise includes a brief description of the exercise, the benefits of the exercise, equipment needed to perform the exercise, and step-by-step instructions on how to correctly perform the exercise.

Body Weight Exercises

Leg Lifts

This exercise targets the hamstrings area and works one side at a time. This exercise is easy to perform and requires a study structure for balance and support. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to five times per week.

Exercise Ball Exercises

Hamstrings Curls

This exercise is of moderate difficulty and targets the entire hamstrings and gluteals muscles. This exercise requires only an exercise ball when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.


This exercise targets the gluteals, hip, quadriceps, and hamstrings muscles and is of moderate difficultly. This exercise requires the use of a wall and an exercise ball. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Kettlebell Exercises

Romanian Deadlifts

This exercise targets the hamstrings, gluteals and lower back muscles and provides a low cardio benefit. This exercise uses one kettlebell when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to two times per week.

Romanian Deadlifts With Two Kettlebells

This exercise targets the hamstrings, gluteals and lower back muscles and provides a low cardio benefit. This exercise uses two kettlebells when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to two times per week.

Stiff Leg Deadlifts

This exercise targets the hamstrings, gluteals and lower back muscles and provides a low cardio benefit. This exercise uses one kettlebell when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to two times per week.

Stiff Leg Deadlifts With Two Kettlebells

This exercise targets the hamstrings, gluteals and lower back muscles and provides a low cardio benefit. This exercise uses two kettlebells when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to two times per week.

Medicine Ball Exercises

Front Reach

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and targets the gluteals, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. This exercise uses a medicine ball when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to four times per week.

One Legged Squat

This exercise requires balance and is fairly difficult to perform. This exercise uses a medicine ball and targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals muscles. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Overhead Lunges

This exercise is of moderate difficulty and targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals muscles. This exercise requires a medicine ball to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Side Reach

This exercise targets the hamstrings, gluteals, and quadriceps muscles and is easy to perform. This exercise required a medicine ball to be performed properly. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to four times per week.


This exercise focuses on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals muscles and is fairly easy to perform. This exercise uses a medicine ball when performed. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Walking Lunges

This exercise is of moderate difficulty and works the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals muscles. This exercise requires a medicine ball to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Wall Squats

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and works the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals muscles. this exercise requires a study wall and medicine ball to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Stretching Exercises

Hamstrings Grab

This exercise is intended to stretch the hamstrings and calves muscles one leg at a time and is moderately easy to perform. This exercise reuires no equipment to perform. Recommended frequency: this exercise can be performed daily.

Hamstrings Passive

This exercise is easy to perform and stretches the hamstrings muscles. This exercise is performed without the use of any equipment. Recommended frequency: this exercise can be performed daily.

Lying One Leg Hamstrings

This exercise is slightly more difficult to perform and stretches the hamstrings muscles of one leg at a time. This exercise is performed without the use of any equipment. Recommended frequency: this exercise can be performed daily.

Seated Hurdler Stretch

This exercise focuses on stretching the hamstrings and calf muscles of one leg at a time and the entire back area. This exercise requires no equipment and is easy to perform. Recommended frequency: this exercise can be performed daily.

Seated Spread Eagle

This exercise stretches the hamstrings muscles as well as the muscles of the entire back area. This exercise is easy to perform and is completed without nay equipment. Recommended frequency: this exercise can be performed daily.

Standing Hamstrings

This exercise is designed to stretch the muscles of the hamstrings, calves, and lower back and is easy to perform. This exercise does not require any equipment to perform. Recommended frequency: this exercise can be performed daily.

Weight Training Exercises

Barbell Deadlifts

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and targets the hamstrings, gluteals, quadricepes, and lower back muscles. This exercise requires a barbell to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to two times per week.

Barbell Lunges

This exercise is fairly difficult to perform and targets the hamstrings, gluteals, and quadricepes muscles. This exercise requires a barbell to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and targets the hamstrings, gluteals, quadricepes, and lower back muscles. This exercise is performed using a barbell. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Dumbbell Lunges

This exercise works the hamstrings, gluteals, and quadricepes muscles and is fairly difficult to perform. This exercise requires a pair of dumbbells to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Elastic Band Kickbacks

This exercise is easy to perform and targets the hamstrings and gluteals muscles. This exercise is performed using an elastic band. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to five times per week.

Hamstrings Curls

This exercise is moderately easy to perform and works the hamstrings, gluteals, and core muscles. This exercise requires an exercise ball to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Lying Leg Curls

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and targets the hamstrings and gluteals muscles. This exercise is performed using a leg curl machine. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

One Leg Lying Curls

This exercise targets the hamstrings and gluteals muscles, one leg at a time, and is fairly easy to perform. This exercise requires a leg curl machine to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

One Leg Seated Curls

This exercise is easy to perform and targets the hamstrngs one leg at a time. This exercise is performed using a seated leg curl machine to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

One Legged Cable Kickbacks

This exercise works the hamstrings and gluteals muscles and is moderately easy to perform. This exercise requires the lower pulley of a cable machine to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Seated Leg Curls

This exercise works the hamstrngs and is easy to perform. This exercise requires a seated leg curl machine to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Smith Machine Stiff Leg Deadlifts

This exercise targets the hamstrings, gluteals, quadricepes, and lower back muscles and is fairly easy to perform. This exercise requires a Smith machine. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Standing Leg Curls

This exercise targets the hamstrings muscles and is fairly easy to perform. This exercise requires a standing leg curl machine to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.