Trapezius Exercises

trapezius exercise

The trapezius muscles tie into the shoulders and the neck areas and play an important role in supporting good upper-body posture. The trapezius muscles are also one of the muscle groups that gets tight when an individual is under a high level of stress.

Since the trapezius muscles tie into, and support, the neck and shoulders it is important to always make sure that the traps maintain good strength, flexibility, and range of motion. In addition, it is also important to always remember to adequately warm-up the trapezius, shoulder, and neck areas and to perform all exercises with strict and controlled movements.

Below, we have divided the trapezius exercises by exercise type for ease in browsing. Once you have chosen the trapezius exercise type to perform you can then view all of the trapezius exercises under that exercise type. Each specific traps exercise includes a brief description of the exercise, the benefits of the exercise, equipment needed to perform the exercise, and step-by-step instructions on how to correctly perform the exercise.

Weight Training Exercises

Barbell Shrugs

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and targets the trapezius muscles. This exercise requires the use of a barbell. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Barbell Shrugs Behind The Back

This exercise is moderately easy to perform and works the trapezius muscles. This exercise is performed using a barbell. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Barbell Upright Rows

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and targets the muscles of the trapezius. This exercise requires the use of a barbell. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Cable Shrugs

This exercise targets the trapezius muscles and is fairly easy to perform. This exercise requires the use of the lower pulley of a cable machine. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Cable Upright Rows

This exercise is easy to perform and works the trapezius muscles. This exercise is performed using the lower pulley of a cable machine. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Dumbbell Shrugs

This exercise is easy to perform and targets the trapezius muscles. This exercise is performed using a pair of dumbbells. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Dumbbell Upright Rows

This exercise is easy to perform and works both sets of trapezius muscles at a time. This exercise requires the use of a pair of dumbbells to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise one to three times per week.

Low Cable Rows To Neck

This exercise is moderately easy to perform and works the trapezius muscles. This exercise is performed using the lower pulley of a cable machine. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Smith Machine Shrugs

This exercise is fairly easy to perform and focuses on the trapezius muscles. This exercise is performed using a Smith machine. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.

Smith Machine Upright Rows

This exercise focuses on the trapezius muscles and is fairly easy to perform. This exercise requires a Smith machine to perform. Recommended frequency: perform this exercise two to three times per week.