Notes: No RDA info available.
Additional Information
History Hyssop is an herb native to the Mediterranean and southern Europe. It came into common usage in Britain around the 14th century, and was a typical component of many gardens. Originally, hyssop was hung around homes to ward off evil spirits and witches. It was also traditionally planted on graves because of its pleasant fragrance.
Bodily Functions Hyssop Assists Hyssop is primarily used to bolster the cardiovascular system and treat cold symptoms. In addition, it may improve digestion and alleviate anxiety in some individuals.
Foods High in Hyssop Hyssop is a fragrant herb that can impart a delicate mint flavor to a salad. Hyssop can also be used to brew an herbal tea to soothe the symptoms of a common cold. Health food stores will generally carry hyssop herbs and supplements.
Ailment That Hyssop Eliminates:
- Prevents indigestion
- Relieves congestion
- Alleviates cold symptoms
- Regulates blood pressure
- Alleviates cardiovascular disorders
- Applied externally, hyssop tea can be used to treat a black eye or insect bite
Side Effects/Pre-Cautions:
- Pregnant women should not use hyssop
- Do not use hyssop for more than a few weeks at a time
- Epileptics should not use hyssop
- Nausea
- Upset stomach
- Diarrhea
- Excessive amounts of hyssop could cause damage to the central nervous system
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