Weight Loss Reviews![]() The intent of our Weight Loss Review Section is to provide our users with the ability to evaluate the various weight loss approaches and programs and thereafte, determine which type of program will best meet their specific weight loss goals. The weight loss review section has been broken down into the following four categories:
The review criteria for each of the weight loss programs include evaluating the method of weight loss, the effectiveness of the weight loss program, the lifestyle and dietary requirements, the reputation and safety of the weight loss program, the member support, and the cost of the program. Finally, each review category is rated from 1-10, with 10 being the highest. Food Intake - Dietary Food Prepared by the Weight Loss Company![]()
This approach is ideal for individuals that want a well defined weight loss program where the company provides meals to you that are healthy, calorie conscience, and nutritionally balanced. There are millions of success stories associated with this approach and many of the members enjoy the fact that all of the guess work is removed. In addition, the member support provided by these types of companies are typically outstanding. Food Intake - Dietary Meals Prepared by the Individual![]()
This approach is ideal for individuals that want a well defined weight loss program that allows for a little more flexibility in their meal choices and for individuals that enjoy cooking. Under this approach the weight loss companies provide 1,000's of healthy, calorie conscience, and nutritionally balanced recipes for the user to choose from. Millions of individuals have been able to achieve their weight loss goals through this approach.The member support provided by these types of weight loss companies are very good as well. Appetite Suppression - Performed by the Individual or Under Medical Supervision![]()
Appetite suppressors do exactly as they imply - Suppress an individuals appetite so that they consume less food. The intent of an appetite suppressant is to decrease the individuals appetite. By doing so, the individual will consume less calories. Under normal conditions it is recommended that the individual include an exercise routine with their appetite suppression weight loss program to increase their effectiveness at losing weight. There are basically two types of appetite suppressants available; natural and medical, In both cases, the effectiveness, safety, and side effects of the suppressant should be thoroughly evaluated prior to consumption. Metabolism Stimulant - Performed by the Individual or Under Medical Supervision![]()
Metabolism stimulants increase the individuals metabolic rate. This, in turn, increases the number of daily calories burned and may enable the individual to enter a state where they are burning more calories than they are consuming through food. Under normal conditions it is recommended that the individual include an exercise routine with their metabolism stimulate to increase their effectiveness at losing weight. There are basically three ways to increase the metabolic rate of an individual: through the food types consumed, and the rate at which they are consumed, and natural and medical metabolism enhancers. The effectiveness, safety, and side effects vary for each metabolism stimulant and should be thoroughly evaluated prior to consumption. |