Competitive Running Routines
Competitive running routines are intended for individuals that consider themselves a serious runner and requires a high level of discipline, cardiovascular endurance, a solid understanding of the mechanics of running, and a thorough knowledge of the demands that a running routine of this type places on their body.
In addition, runners that regularly perform a competitive running routine must be "in tune" with their body and understand when to allow their body
the time required to recover.
Successfully performing a competitive running routine requires discipline and dedication, regularly consuming a well-balanced and nutritious diet, plenty of rest, and a thorough understanding of how to properly prepare for a running event.
Individuals that would like to perform any of the competitive running routines listed below will have been typically training for at least 5 years and have over 3 years of racing experience. Individuals that are considering a competitive running routine will have already been running over 60 miles per week and run seven days per week, frequently twice per day. In addition, individuals at this level will typically be able to achieve the following run times:
- Men - 5K time is under 17:00 minutes and 10K time is under 34:00 minutes
- Women - 5K time is under 19:00 minutes and 10K time is under 36:00 minutes
Below are a few steps to consider when regularly performing a competitive running routine:
- 1Select the desired distance that you will perform the running routine at (i.e. 10K).
- 2Download the appropriate running routine.
- 3Follow the exact running routine per the daily schedule.
- 4Remember to properly warm-up, stretch, and cool down before and after each workout.
- 5Record and keep track of your results as you progress with the routine.
- 6Complete each running routine in it's entirety.
- 7After completing the running routine, consider progressing to the next level of difficulty.
- 8Keep checking back, as new and different routines will be added to the site in the future.