Benefits of Minerals
While vitamins and minerals are two very different types of substances, they work synergistically to promote good health and wellness as they are responsible for maintaining, or assisting with, the proper functionality of many of the various bodily functions that are required to sustain life.
The human body cannot receive or process vitamins without a sufficient supply of minerals. Similarly, minerals will be largely ineffective if not supplemented with a vitamin rich diet. For this reason, it is important to ensure that you consume a diet that is high in both vitamins and minerals.
One of the major differences between vitamins and minerals is that vitamins are considered to be organic substances because they contain carbon. On the other hand, minerals lack carbon and are thus referred to as inorganic.
Several medical and nutritional experts have concluded that minerals are even more important than vitamins. The health benefits associated with proper mineral consumption can not be overstated. Many illnesses that are due to deficiencies in different vitamins may produce mild effects and are easily treatable.
However, deficiencies in several of the mineral types can result in serious health conditions, that if left untreated, can rapidly lead to death. It should be apparent that a healthy dietary routine that is rich in vitamins and minerals is of utmost importance.
In addition, it is important to remember that while a high quality multi-vitamin supplement is recommended to ensure that you are receiving all of the nutrients required for good health, they should not be viewed as an alternative to consuming a healthy, well-balanced, whole food diet. In other words, always try to consume the recommended daily allowance for each of the vitamins and minerals from a healthy and unprocessed food source.
Minerals are involved in several metabolic functions that occur within the human body. Several minerals are components of enzymes (protein based molecules that speed up a chemical reaction in a living organism) which act as catalysts for many of the chemical reactions that occur within the body. Minerals also regulate and manage the normal function of human and animal organs, muscles, and tissues.
For example, sodium and potassium are crucial for maintaining proper fluid balance, calcium is a the primary structural component in bones and teeth, and iron is responsible for transporting oxygen, in the blood, throughout the body.
Skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones, and all other tissues require minerals in able to form. In addition, minerals are also involved in several bodily functions, including controlling several systems within the body and in the production of energy. In the event that an individual is deficient in any one of the major or trace minerals, the human body will digress to a level of structural weakness, internal system dysfunction, and over time, contract some form of debilitating disease.
Major vs. Trace Minerals
Minerals that are considered vital to good health, fitness, and mental well-being are divided into two primary groups: major minerals and trace minerals. Major minerals are considered minerals that the body requires in relatively large amounts and include calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium, and sulfur. The human body requires major minerals in larger quantities and are considered macro-minerals.
On the other hand, trace minerals are required by the human body in much lower quantities and are considered micro-minerals. Trace minerals include chromium, copper, iodine, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc.
In both cases, consuming an adequate level of both the major and trace minerals is required for good health and wellness. For a more detailed discussion related to each of the major and trace minerals, the bodily functions that they are responsible for, common foods that contain high levels of the mineral, and symptoms of deficiency please visit our Mineral Glossary section of our website. Below is a list of each of the major and trace minerals required by the human body to function at an optimal level:
Major Minerals
Calcium (the most important mineral)
- Builds and maintains strong bones and teeth
- Assists in the regulation and rhythm of the heart
- Regulates the passage of nutrients into and out of the cells
- Promotes normal blood clotting
- Maintains nerve and muscle function
- Lowers blood pressure
- Promotes normal kidney function
- Lowers cholesterol levels in blood
- Reduces the probability of contracting colon cancer
- Alleviates the effects of insomnia
- Acts as an electrolyte (regulates the electrical communication between cells)
- Controls the pH balance in blood by limiting the presence of acid
- The main component of hydrochloric acid, assists the stomach in the digestion of food
- It also aids in the removal of waste from the blood stream via the liver
- Helps to lower and regulate blood pressure
- Assists in the regulation of the beating of the heart
- regulates the neuromuscular activity of the heart
- Required for calcium and vitamin C metabolism
- Converts blood sugar into energy
- Controls the pH balance of your blood by limiting the presence of acid
- Has been shown to alleviate the effects of stress, tension, and headaches
- Aids in the formation of healthy bones and teeth
- Aids in the production of collagen (prevents the effects of wrinkles)
- Aids in the production of energy
- Exists in every cell membrane and is required for normal functionality
- Keeps blood from clumping while traveling throughout the body to lower the risk of contracting heart disease
- Aids in the production of bile and the prevention of fatty acid build up in the liver
- Acts as an electrolyte (regulates the electrical communication between cells)
- Works in conjunction with sodium to regulate waste
- Regulates and normalizes heart rhythm
- Assists your body in maintaining a proper balance of water
- Promotes clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain
- Has been shown to lower and regulate blood pressure
- Maintains correct alkalinity levels in bodily fluids
- Stimulates kidneys to eliminate poisonous waste material
- Has also been shown to alleviate muscle cramps and prevent them from occurring
- Improves and promotes healthy skin
- Acts as an electrolyte (regulates the electrical communication between cells)
- Assists the body in preventing blood clots
- Maintains proper body water distribution
- Assists in maintaining proper acidity/alkaline levels
- Aids in the transmission of nerve impulses
- Although excess levels can raise blood pressure, reasonable levels actually lower blood pressure levels
- Assists in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
- Contributes to the strength of hair, nails (finger and toe) and skin
- Assists in several enzyme reactions and the synthesis of protein
- Aids in the formation and production of collagen (prevents the effects of wrinkles)
- Assists the red blood cells in their ability to carry oxygen throughout your body
- Has been shown to be a very effective agent in the removal of toxins from the body
Trace Minerals
- Works in conjunction with insulin to metabolize sugar and stabilize blood sugar levels
- Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels to reduce the probability of heart attacks and strokes
- Assists in the transportation of amino acids
- Controls appetite
- Assists in the control of fat levels within the body
- Reduces the probability of contracting cancer, heart conditions, and diabetes
- Aids in the production and retention of muscle tissue
- Assists in the absorption, metabolism, and storage of iron
- One of the primary agents in the process your body uses to produce hemoglobin
- Assists as the cellular level to produce energy
- Protects cells against free radical damage
- Aids in the formation of red blood cells
- Aids in the maintenance of your bone structure
- Strengthens connective tissue
- Aids in the production of collagen (prevents the effects of wrinkles)
- Promotes mineralization of developing tooth enamel and reduces probability of tooth decay
- Aids in the maintenance of bone structure
- One of the primary agents in the restoration of lost or depleted minerals
- Has been shown to be a helpful component in the prevention of osteoporosis
- Combines with other minerals to produce triodothyonine and thyroxine (Needed by your entire body)
- Aids in the process used by the body to provide energy and to combat fatigue
- Can reduce the risk of mental retardation in infants of expecting mothers.
- Works with the thyroid hormone to support metabolism
- Combines with protein and copper to produce hemoglobin
- Improves blood quality and increases resistance to disease and stess
- The most important mineral in the ability for your blood to transport oxygen
- Assists in the production of myoglobin which supplies oxygen to muscle cells to allow the muscle to contract
- Assists in the maintenance of a strong immune system
- Promotes stable body temperature regulation
- Reduces effects and combats fatigue
- A very important agent in the increase of metabolism
- Promotes good skin tone
- Acts as an electrolyte (regulates the electrical communication between cells)
- Acts as an antioxidant to combat free radicals
- Assists in the blood breakdown of amino acids
- Aids in the production of energy
- Assists in the repair of damaged tissue
- Acts as a catalyst for several enzymes related to proper digestion
- Acts as a catalyst in breaking down fats and cholesterol
- Aids in maintaining sex hormone production
- Assists in providing nourishment for the nerves and brain
- Assists in the proper growth and development of your skeletal structure
- Aids in the metabolism of vitamin b1 and vitamin E
- Assists the body in breaking up sulfite toxins
- Important cofactor for several of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of protein
- Breaks down carbohydrates, copper, nitrogen, and fats
- Plays an important role in the regulation and lowering of blood sugar levels
- Assists in the enzyme process that allows the body to use iron
- Assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
- Has applications in the reduction and prevention of tooth decay and cavities
- Assists in the prevention of anemia
- Aids in enhancing mental well-being
- Acts as an electrolyte (regulates the electrical communication between cells)
- Acts as an antioxidant to combat free radicals
- Protects cell membranes and reduces the generation of free radicals
- Decreases the risk of contracting several types of cancer and heart disease
- Assists in the preservation of tissue elasticity
- Slows down the aging process and the hardening of tissue caused by oxidation
- Vital to the proper function of your pancreas and thyroid gland
- Assists in the prevention of dandruff
- Plays an important role in the health and stability of the immune system
- Acts as an antioxidant to combat free radicals
- Assists in the synthesis of protein
- Aids in the healing of wounds
- Maintains your ability to experience smell and taste sensations
- Aids in the development of the reproductive organs
- Assists in regulating proper prostate functionality and male hormone activity
- Regulates and maintains the proper stages of your body's growth, particularly the reproductive system
- Assists in stabilizing the blood and maintaining proper alkaline balance
- Assists in the metabolism and digestion of phosphous
Supplementing Your Dietary Intake with Minerals
As previously stated, minerals not only play an important role in one's health, but also allow the body to perform countless bodily functions, ward off disease, and operate at an optimum level as well.
There are 7 key components related to overall good health, fitness, and mental well-being and proper nutritional and supplementation is one of them. Each of the 7 key primary components are listed below and are required in order to live a life that has a reduced probability of contracting a chronic disease and that is filled with good health, fitness, mental stability.
Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
Strength Training and Muscular Development
Stretching - Muscle, Ligament, and Tendons
Core Stability
Nutrition and Supplementation
Mental Rest and Relaxation
In relation to good health, proper nutrition is vital to the human body in that it allows the body to perform all of it's bodily functions at an optimal level. If the human body becomes deficient in any of the minerals that it requires to perform any of it's internal functions the processes will be compromised and degeneration will occur.
The statement "You are what you eat" is so true in that just as a plant, shrub, or tree requires certain conditions to thrive (i.e. proper soil, water, and sun light), so to does the human body. In the case of the human body, the 7 primary key components listed above are required on a daily basis to promote good health, fitness, and mental well-being.
Today, many individuals live a lifestyle that is hectic, stressful, and filled with the consumption of foods that are devoid of nutritional value. This lifestyle is not conducive to good health and wellness and has led to an increase in several chronic and debilitating diseases. In addition, the percentages of individuals suffering from obesity have dramatically increased over the last 20 years. Combining the two, consuming foods that are nutritionally deficient and consuming foods that are high in fat content has led to an epidemic of obesity and ill health.
By simply limiting your dietary consumption to foods that are high in nutrients, minimally processed, and well balanced with a sound nutritional supplement routine, many of the debilitating diseases can be avoided.
In addition, by adding a physical activity that you perform on a regular basis to your daily lifestyle, good health, fitness, and mental well-being is only a step away.
For additional information on the health benefits associated with minerals please visit the Minerals Glossary section of our website. In addition, we have also included informational glossaries for many of the additional nutrients required to promote good health and to allow the body to perform at it's optimal level.
More specifically, we have created additional nutritional glossaries related to the Vitamins, Amino Acids, and Herbal Supplements that the body requires as well.