Face and Body
Many people forget about the largest organ in their body when considering a lifestyle of good health and fitness; the skin. Proper care of your face and body is essential to a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of many entirely preventable diseases.
When most people think of truly good health, fitness, and mental well-being they think of exercise and nutrition. However, taking the time to care for your skin, hair, teeth, and nails should be included in that statement.
In fact, most people find that taking care of their entire body, both inside and out, can provide a large boost to their self esteem, a more positive outlook on their daily activities, and a healthier and more optimistic overall lifestyle.
To this end, it is important to focus on all aspects of good health and fitness and that includes properly caring for your skin.
Proper Care of the Face
By just donating 5-10 minutes per day to the upkeep of your face, you can decrease the effects of aging and reduce the effect that harmful oils can have on your hair follicles and pores. Consider following this simple face cleansing routine every day:
Morning Session
When you first wake up, begin by cleaning your face with warm water and a cream based pore cleanser or washing it with a gel wash intended for purification. It is important not to use regular hand soap as it can remove natural oils from your skin and leave your face with a tight or dry feeling. Avoid rubbing your face to dry it. Gently dab it with a soft towel to avoid irritation. You can perform this activity in the shower or in front of your sink.
After completing the first part, a simple toning session is ideal. Whatever cleanser you used for the first part, small particles of the product will be left behind on your skin. Using a toner will help your skin to be clear of the left over cleanser and also open pores to receive moisture during the next phase.
After toning, use a moisturizer to restore fluids to your skin. This product will make your face feel soft and smooth and can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If you are going to spend a long time outside, consider adding a sunscreen immediately after moisturizing.
- Finally, if you wear make-up, you may apply it to your face.
Evening Session
Before you go to bed, clean your face with warm water and a cream based pore cleanser or wash it with a gel wash intended for purification. Gently dab it with a soft towel to avoid irritation.
You can perform this activity in the shower or in front of your sink. In the evening, this cleansing session can also serve to remove any make-up you may have worn during the day.
After completing the first part, a simple toning session is ideal. Whatever cleanser you used for the first part, small particles of the product will be left behind on your skin. Using a toner will help your skin to be clear of the left over cleanser and also open pores to receive moisture during the next phase.
Without drying your face, a short exfoliating session is desirable. When you exfoliate your face, you remove any dead surface skin that can dull and reduce the brightness of your skin. In addition, dead skin cells can build up inside your pores and cause acne. Circularly press the exfoliating agent into your skin. Once complete, rinse thoroughly.
While not a necessary step every night,doing so can be very helpful in allowing your skin to breathe and accept other cleansing products. If you choose not to exfoliate every night, at least do so once or twice a week.
As your last step before bed, you should use a moisturizer to restore fluids to your skin. This product will make your face feel soft and smooth and can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, moisturizing will make your face more receptive to cleaning the next morning.
Additional Skin Care Tips for your Face
Avoid sleeping while your make-up is still on. Doing so can cause clogged pores and a prevention of skin shedding and breathing.
If you wear make-up that is waterproof, the best method of removing it is to use a gel based cleanser.
One of the most damaging agents to the face is the sun. If you are going to be spending a great deal of time outdoors, you need to use sunscreen. Not doing so can cause rapid wrinkle development and skin cancer.
If you struggle with acne and using a daily cleansing method does not help, you should visit a dermatologist. Many drugs that they prescribe are not harmful to your skin. Over the counter drugs are normally acid based and can dry up your entire face.
Consider using an ice pack on your face for 5 minutes after your evening session. Doing so can increase your complexion.
Proper Care of the Body
Your body is entirely protected by a layer of skin. This skin has many functions that include:
Removing toxins
Preventing harmful agents from entering the body
Controlling body temperature
Providing a sensory input when you touch something
By applying a daily cleaning regimen for your entire body, you allow your skin to perform its various functions properly and unhindered by outside agents. Taking a shower every day and doing so properly (as easy as it may seem) is the best way to protect and clean your skin.
Consider this daily cleaning routine for your body:
When first beginning to enter the shower, place your clean clothes in an area where they will remain dry.
Placing them on or near the toilet can expose them to harmful germs while setting them too close to the shower may allow water and/or residue from your cleansing products to land on them.
Before showering, brush your hair to remove any loose hair to make the shampoo more productive.
Turn the water on and check it with your hand before stepping in to avoid serious burns or a chilling surprise.
Before applying any soap or hair cleaning products, make sure that your entire body is wet. Most body cleansing products will not work without moisture.
Use a very small amount of shampoo and gently spread it over your hair. Use your fingers to rub it into the scalp. After rubbing for 1-2 minutes, immediately rinse it.
At this point you can use a conditioner in the same way as the shampoo. Allow it to remain in your hair for 2-3 minutes.
Next, use a gentle soap to clean your entire body. Using a washcloth or other cleaning device is best. Make sure that you wash every part of your body. This includes behind your ears, between your toes, under your arm pits and the back of your neck.
You can now rinse your entire body once again to remove the soap from your skin and the conditioner from your hair. This is also a good time to use any face cleaning regimen.
If you plan to shave in the shower, be sure to use a cream or gel based shaving agent to prevent burns and irritation.
If you shaved or used a face cleaning regimen, rinse your body once more and turn off the water.
When you dry your hair, avoid rubbing it and instead dab the towel to remove moisture.
Additional Skin Care Tips for your Body
When bathing, avoid using water that is too hot. This can increase dryness in your skin.
If you have the time, consider allowing your body to dry naturally rather than using a towel to do so. This can be very beneficial in moisturizing your skin.
To avoid mold build up in your bathroom that can be harmful to your skin, use a fan to remove steam or leave the bathroom door open after showering.
When your hair is wet, it becomes very sensitive. Completely dry your hair before brushing it.