Tattoo Removal

tattoo removal

Tattoos are injections of colored ink into the skin, resulting in designs or symbols. Some people have one small tattoo, while others literally cover their body.

This process used to be permanent, but now there is a procedure available that will allow you to eliminate an unwanted tattoo over time, regardless of your reasoning for having it removed.

But there are still risks involved in tattoo removal. Cosmetic surgery is just that –- a surgical procedure with results that can't always be predicted.

The costs of tattoo removal, first and foremost depends upon the type of procedure. The costs of having a tattoo removed are a lot more than the costs of getting the tattoo.

Costs can vary depending upon the size of the tattoo varies from $100 for small, single-colored tattoos and $500 for larger ones.

Where to Start

For those who decide on the process of tattoo removal, the first step is to find a qualified professional that will perform the procedure. During the consultation, the doctor and the patient talk about the reasoning behind the removal of the tattoo and the various options and procedures to remove the tattoo. This consultation visit gives the doctor a chance to view the tattoo and assess the options.

The removal procedure will be discussed in detail, as well as the risks, restrictions, and benefits. If the tattoo removal involves several sessions, the treatment plan will include details on how each session will last, and how often the patient should revisit for follow-up visits.

Methods of Tattoo Removal

There are a variety of methods to remove tattoos. The efficiency of the removal depends on the quality of the ink and the types and colors of inks used. Some of the more common methods used to remove tattoos include:

  • Dermabrasion: is the scraping of skin to remove the tattoo. This is an older method, where the area is literally rubbed hard with a salt or sanding block. Dermabrasion uses a rotary abrasive tool that will sand off the layers of the skin. This will obliterate the tattoo.

  • Laser Treatments: can be performed to break up the tattoo ink that is within the skin. The surgeon or dermatologist can control the width of the laser beam as well as the wavelength as well as the color of the light being used. Dissimilar wavelengths are used to destroy different colors of ink. Complete focus makes it possible to eliminate the tattoo without damaging the surrounding skin.

tattoo removal

Two to six treatments are usually needed, depending on the size of the tattoo. The process is comparatively painless. Patients have given the description of a sensation like a lightly stretched rubber band snapped against the skin.

Afterwards, the treated area may feel like light sunburn. The tattoo will fade as the area heals, usually disappearing entirely within a month or two. As with many other surgeries, there are risks involved, depending upon the method that your doctor chooses to perform.

Dermabrasion, which is more common, may leave a change in skin pigmentation. Laser removal will often also remove pigment from your skin due to the ink, thus the cause of skin color loss.

Similar to many other surgical cosmetic procedures, individuals that undergo a tattoo removal procedure incur a chance of infection, however, this is a very rare occurrence.