Home Injuries Tenosynovitis



Description Of The Injury: Tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the synovium, which lines tendons’ protective sheaths. This inflammation can sometimes result from injury, infection, strain, or overuse.

Injury Symptoms: Symptoms of tenosynovitis include lack of joint mobility, tenderness around a joint (especially the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles), redness, fever, and swelling of joints.

Additional Information

Home Treatments:

Rest is important to keep the tendons still in order to heal. A splint or removable brace can help by immobilizing the tendons. Applying heat and cold may help with the pain and inflammation, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) can help reduce swelling.

Professional Medical Treatments:

A doctor may want to administer a local injection of corticosteroids. If infection caused the condition, your doctor may provide antibiotics. Surgery may be necessary in severe cases to release any fluids surrounding the tendon. The surgery is typically an outpatient procedure involving either a regional or general anesthetic.

Physical Therapy and Exercises:

Post-surgery muscle strengthening exercises could prevent the condition from recurring. Keep the affected body part elevated as much as possible. Physical therapy may last up to eight weeks and involve a variety of range-of-motion exercises.

Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:

The key to preventing tenosynovitis is to avoid repetitive actions that may strain tendons surrounding joints, particularly the wrists.