Home Injuries Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger

Description Of The Injury: Trigger finger, medically known as stenosing tenosynovis, is a common problem that occurs when fingers are overused and overstressed. The overuse causes the tendon to become swollen and be physically bigger than the tendon sheath. This results in a snapping or painful popping sensation when relaxing the finger from a contracted state.

Injury Symptoms: The common signs of trigger finger are stiffness of the finger, a popping sensation when bending the finger, and an inability to straighten the finger from a bent position. This may be accompanied by the presence of a tender bump on the affected finger.

Additional Information

Home Treatments:

A trigger finger may heal by self in 4-6 weeks if the finger is not overused and rested regularly. Buddy taping the finger, occasionally gently massaging the finger and doing finger exercises are other methods that aid in the conventional treatment of a trigger finger.

Professional Medical Treatments:

The most common medical treatment is having cortisone injected into the tendon sheath of the affected area to reduce the inflammation. Common non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen may also be recommended. If the trigger finger is locked, a doctor may recommend percutaneous trigger finger release - a procedure where the finger is released from the lock using a needle. A continuous problematic trigger finger may require surgery.

Physical Therapy and Exercises:

Various finger exercises are recommended for the recovery and treatment of a trigger finger. Finger flexion and extension exercises should be attempted in a bowl of warm water a couple of times per day. Isometric exercises with the finger such as pressing against an immovable object can gradually return the strength of the finger. Additionally, range of motion exercises such as writing the alphabet in the air with the affected finger will help regain total finger mobility.

Exercise Techniques to Prevent Injury:

The most important method of preventing the occurrence of a trigger finger is to regularly rest the most often used fingers when performing a repetitive and strenuous task. Often, a trigger finger occurs because the person neglects the ache and pain that occurs from using the fingers in a repetitive task. Finger flexion, and extension exercises performed in a bowl of warm water will also help prevent the risk of injury.