Food Intake Reviews - Dietary Food Prepared by the Weight Loss Company![]() The food intake weight loss dietary approach, in which a weight loss company provides the dietary meals, is, in many cases, ideal for individuals that are looking to take the guesswork out of their dietary weight loss program. Weight loss companies of this type have been around for years, and provide a proven comprehensive approach to effective, safe and efficient weight loss. Several of the benefits associated with companies that provide their members with complete dietary meals are as follows:
Below are our team's top recommendations for the most effective weight loss companies in which the dietary meals are prepared for and delivered to their members. Our review criteria facilitates a detailed and stringent analysis of each company so that our users can make an educated and informed decision as to which company will best meet their unique weight loss goals. ![]() Medifast is a highly effective weight loss program that was developed by a medical physician in 1980 and has been professionally endorsed by more than 20,000 doctors. In addition to a solid weight loss program, Medifast currently has hundreds of weight loss centers located throughout the United States where their members can visit for greater support and direction.
![]() Nutrisystem is a very popular weight loss system that has been delivering meals to customers for several years. The Nutrisystem weight loss program is a proven, balanced approach to eating and losing weight safely and effectively. In addition, the Nutrisystem weight loss program is focused on teaching their members healthy eating habits for life.
![]() The eDiets Fresh Prepared (formerly Deliciously Yours) weight loss program was founded in 1997 by eDiets, and is a complete meal delivery plan. eDiets is a well-known and respected company within the weight loss industry, and has consistently provided a solid meal delivery weight loss program for its members.
![]() The Bistro M.D. gourmet weight loss diet was developed by Dr. Cederquist, a medical doctor specializing in weight management. The Bistro M.D. gourmet weight loss program continues to gain popularity as the quality of their food and their effectiveness at producing solid weight loss results continue to rise.
![]() Jenny Craig is one of the most well-known and proven weight loss companies in the world. The Jenny Craig weight loss program is highly effective and has hundreds of thousands of testimonials from individuals that have effectively and safely lost weight using the program's company-prepared and -delivered dietary meals.
![]() Zone Diet ReviewThe Zone Diet weight loss system was created Dr. Barry Sears and was originally intended for medical cardiologists. The Zone Diet weight loss program promotes a specific nutritional balance of 40% of calories coming from carbohydrates, 30% from proteins, and the remaining 30% from fat.
![]() Slim Fast weight loss products have been around for over 30 years and have proven to be beneficial in helping individuals attain their weight loss goals. There are five primary lines of Slim Fast products available to the individual seeking to lose weight. Slim Fast has added several online member support functions as well.