Vitamin GlossaryThis glossary will help you to find information on every essential vitamin that your body needs. For information on minerals, see the section entitled "Mineral Glossary". Vitamin b1Also referred to as Thiamin, this water soluble vitamin is essential for the breaking down of carbohydrates, proteins and fats within the body. It also makes sure that the central nervous system and cardiovascular system are in good working order.
Also referred to as Riboflavin, this water soluble vitamin aids the body in the production of red blood cells and is an integral component in cell respiration and growth. As this vitamin is present in many of the foods that most people eat, deficiencies are usually rare.
Also referred to as Niacin, this vitamin is vital to increased blood flow and a strong central nervous system. In addition, large amounts of this vitamin have been known to contribute to healthy skin.
Also referred to as Pantothenic Acid, this water soluble vitamin is responsible for nearly every function that is performed by your body. One of the major contributions that it has to offer is in the reduction of fatigue and the increase of stamina.
This vitamin (also referred to as Pyridoxine) is one of the chief participants in the creation of serotonin. It also can lower the chances of kidney stones and contribute to a balanced and strong immune system.
More commonly referred to as Folic Acid, this water soluble vitamin is essential in the repair of damaged tissue. Much like vitamin b6, vitamin b9 largely contributes to the creation of serotonin.
Also referred to as Cobalamin, this water soluble vitamin is partly responsible for the formation of DNA. As your body is able to store excess amounts of this vitamin, deficiencies are very uncommon.
This powerful anti-oxidant is very closely related to Carotene. Its primary functions are to enhance the skin and strengthen the immune system. In addition, this vitamin has also been known to be effective in reducing bad cholesterol.
Also referred to as Ascorbic Acid, this water soluble vitamin is one of the most powerful vitamin anti-oxidants available. In addition, large amounts of vitamin C are also known to be helpful in the production of collagen.
Also referred to as Calciferol, this vitamin is almost solely manufactured by the body without any dietary help. The only contributor to the creation of this vitamin is sunlight. This vitamin works just like calcium to promote a strong and healthy skeletal structure.
Also referred to as Tocopherol, this vitamin is an anti-oxidant that is essential in the reduction of bad cholesterol. In addition, it is valuable in the build up of muscles and the reduction of recovery time after exercise.
Also referred to as Biotin, this vitamin is naturally produced by your body and available in most of the foods that you eat, making deficiencies very uncommon. It is very important in the production of DNA.
Also known as Phytonadione, this vitamin is almost solely responsible for your blood's ability to clot. This vitamin has also been known to be very helpful in the prevention of heart disease and the strengthening of the bone structure.