Muscle Gain Truth Exercise Program Review
Quick Overview
- Difficulty
- Cost
- Trial Period
60 Days
Muscle Gain Truth is an advanced strength building program created by Sean Nalewanyj. A quick visit to the Muscle Gain Truth website reveals a story written by Nalewanyj, in which he describes his transformation from a weak, scrawny teen to a fit, powerful, muscle-bound machine using the knowledge included within the Muscle Gain Truth package.
Currently, Muscle Gain Truth is one of the most popular and effective strength building programs available online.Muscle Gain Truth includes several components, each of which are delivered 100% online in formats compatible with the Mac and Windows operating systems.
Some of the components (such as the e-book that serves as an introduction to the program) are strictly informational, while others (such as the personal training software and body tracking transformation software) offer a higher level of interactivity, and change based on your progress and strength building goals.
Muscle Gain Truth is personally backed by Sean Nalewanyj, who even invites new members to send him a personal email after joining the program. If you ever have a question regarding the program or your own personal fitness that isn't answered within the personal training software, you can send Sean an email and he'll issue a personal reply as quickly as he can.
Muscle Gain Truth fitness program
guarantees noticeable, significant physical
results within 12 weeks. If you're not 100%
satisfied with your purchase of the Muscle Gain Truth fitness program, you can take advantage of
the company's no-questions-asked 60 day return policy.
The primary intent of the Muscle Gain Truth fitness program is to teach you how to safely and effectively build more muscle mass throughout your body. Muscle Gain Truth begins by dispelling some of the biggest myths surrounding strength training, including the following:
- The more you work out, the more muscle
you gain. Muscle Gain Truth emphasizes the importance of keeping your weight training sessions to the appropriate length and intensity in order to minimize recovery times and maximize muscle growth.
- If you work out enough, it won't matter what you eat. In reality, it's even more important to pay close attention to your diet when you're aggressively seeking to build muscle. Muscle Gain Truth tells you what you should eat, how much you should eat, and when you should eat relative to your workouts.
- Supplements are necessary for building an impressive body. According to Muscle Gain Truth, most supplements are over-priced, unproven and unnecessary, and many may even do more harm than good to your body. Muscle Gain Truth does recommend a few high quality supplements that it deems effective.
- You need to buy a specialized piece of equipment in order to build muscle. Although Muscle Gain Truth does offer ways for you to build muscle, improve flexibility and improve your overall fitness at home, the program emphasizes the importance of performing most of your workouts at a well-equipped gym.
- The workout routines published in muscle magazines always yield the best results. The creators of Muscle Gain Truth feel that most muscle magazines are a poor source of strength building information because they're aimed exclusively at advanced weight trainers, and because they're typically most interested in selling the products marketed by their advertisers. Muscle Gain Truth, alternatively, is targeted towards individuals of all experience levels.
Muscle Gain Truth acts on these core principles by offering a number of digital materials designed to teach you the best ways to increase muscle mass and muscle density, safely and effectively. These materials include:
- The Truth About Building Muscle: An
e-book with strength building tips, suggestions, myths and facts
- No-Fail Workout Plan and Logbook: 26 weeks of complete workouts and a logbook for tracking
- Exercise Video Database: An online database of over 100 weight lifting exercise videos
- No-Fail Meal Plans: Nine separate meal plans for various daily calorie regimens
- Muscle-Building Training Videos: A six-part series with episodes devoted to different muscle groups
- Body Transformation Tracking
Software: Including muscle gain tracker, body fat calculator, training blog, workout log, meal plan organizer and nutritional database
- My Personal Trainer Software: An interactive FAQ with questions answered by Nalewanyj
- Personalized Workout Plans: Designed to tailor Muscle Gain Truth to those with busy schedules or physical limitations
- Bod Pod MP3s: An 8-part audio course detailing the most common and critical mistakes made by strength trainers
- In the Trenches Workout Video: Including 23 sets performed by Nalewanyj with full narration
- Hotseat Interview: In which Nalewanyj discusses Muscle Gain Truth with reporter Jason Brooks
Muscle Gain Truth is a total-body strength building package, with a variety of exercises targeting the six major muscle groups:
- Chest
- Arms
- Back
- Shoulders
- Core/Abs
- Legs
Each muscle group is worked out in accordance with the Muscle Gain Truth Workout Plan, lasting for 26 weeks. Additional training is available though the online Muscle-Building video series and the Exercise Video Database.
Muscle Gain Truth promises that you can achieve a significantly more muscular body within 12 weeks, with roughly 24 minutes spent in the gym each day for a total of around 2 hours, 45 minutes of strength training per week.
However, Muscle Gain Truth is not designed as program that you'll complete a single time before retiring it and moving on to the next strength building fad. Instead, it's intended to teach you how to make all of your future workout sessions more effective, and how nutrition plays an important role in your strength building exercises.
Essentially, Muscle Gain Truth is all about maximizing the effectiveness of your strength building routine by doing certain types of exercises for the appropriate amounts of time, and eating the right types of food in the correct level of moderation.
The effectiveness of Muscle Gain Truth and its ultimate results on your body will depend entirely upon your ability to follow the materials included with the program. This begins with an e-book entitled The Truth About Building Muscle, 266 pages of muscle building tips, secrets and suggestions. The core of the program, however, is the 26 week Workout Plan. This serves as an overview of the various exercises you'll perform, including the exact amount of reps and sets you must devote to each.
You can greatly enhance the effectiveness of Muscle Gain Truth by following the customized meal plans. These include nine different meal plans, each 12 weeks in length, which describe the foods you should eat in order to achieve maximum muscle growth. The plans are based on calorie counting and range from 2,000 to 6,000 calories per day, and include detailed preparation instructions that even inexperienced cooks can follow.
The Muscle Gain Truth fitness program contains no physical equipment. Rather, it consists of informational digital materials, including written guides, audio courses and training videos, that teach you the most effective ways to work out, eat right and build muscle mass.
As such, you'll need to supply all of the equipment yourself. Muscle Gain Truth is not intended for those who want to achieve their fitness goals without leaving home. Instead, it's intended as a guide to help you make the most out of your gym membership. You'll need access to a diverse array of gym equipment and weights in order to make the most out of the Muscle Gain Truth fitness program.
Muscle Gain Truth is unique in that it caters to strength builders of all fitness and ability levels. If you've struggled with personal fitness and you're just getting started in the world of weight training, you'll benefit from the program. If you're a hardcore body builder looking for an extra edge over the competition, you'll still learn plenty of new things from Muscle Gain Truth. In creating Muscle Gain Truth, Nalewanyj has ensured that the program will find acceptance even among those with little to no strength training experience.
At the same time, Muscle Gain Truth is an intensive program designed to help you build muscle quickly. Many of the exercises will be very difficult if you don't have a base level of cardiovascular fitness. As with any fitness program, it's important to consult your doctor before you begin.
Those with special physical circumstances should view the Personalized Workout Plans included with Muscle Gain Truth. Here, you'll find workout plans specifically designed for those with no access to a gym, time for only two workout days per week or injuries preventing them from performing certain exercises.
The Muscle Gain Truth is supported by an interactive FAQ database that includes answers to all of the questions previously fielded by Sean Nalewanyj. This allows you to type in virtually any question and instantly receive an answer penned by Nalewanyj himself. The FAQ database is surprisingly diverse, with topics ranging from treating muscle fatigue to maintaining a balanced diet. Of course, many of the questions and answers apply directly to the workouts themselves.
If you have a question that isn't answered within the FAQ, you can contact Nalewanyj directly for free email coaching, included as part of the Muscle Gain Truth package. This type of personalized coaching is rarely found in online fitness programs.
Perhaps most importantly, Muscle Gain Truth is backed by free lifetime product updates. Whenever Sean Nalewanyj updates the Muscle Gain Truth fitness program, you'll receive the new content free of charge.
The Muscle Gain Truth fitness program
costs $ 77.00 and is delivered in an entirely online format. The program comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, allowing you to receive a full refund of the purchase price if you aren't satisfied with the materials. Muscle Gain Truth offers a variety of ways in which to pay, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal. All orders are processed online by ClickBank using 128-bit SSL encryption. Transactions are protected by VeriSign and McAfee Secure.
Muscle Gain Truth may be the perfect strength building solution for virtually anyone, whether your goal is to build some initial muscle mass to look better in a bathing suit or maintain and perfect a muscular body into which you've already invested years of working out. The program is aggressive, though reasonable, and stresses the importance of lifting weights in moderation instead of as much as possible.
With that said, it's important to note that Muscle Gain Truth is not ideal for those who want to build muscle mass from the comfort of their own homes. Though the program does offer provisions for those with busy schedules, most of the materials assume that you have access to a high quality gym. This could be a deal-breaker for some potential users and a minor inconvenience for others.
Although Muscle Gain Truth is designed to produce results in 12 weeks, the program makes it clear that building and maintaining a muscular physique is an ongoing process. This line of thinking, along with the fact that Muscle Gain Truth includes long-term workout plans and sound nutritional information, indicates that Nalewanyj and his company are serious about offering a comprehensive, widely accessible strength training program.